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You have 14 days upon receipt to make a return request and return your package to us.

Make a return request Plus

Items whose sole or upper has been damaged during your fitting cannot be returned.

To make a return request:

  • Log in to your account
  • Go to “ order history
  • Choose the product you want to return, then make a return request indicating the reason for the return
  • The return status will change to “awaiting confirmation”

Return the package to us:

  • The package must contain the item to be returned, in its complete original packaging and the delivery note
  • It should be sent to the address:
    MZ Made For Petite
    5 Alfred Sisley Alley
    78160 Marly Le Roi
  • Upon receipt, please allow us a few days to process your package and check the condition of the product.
Benefit from free returns Plus

We offer you free returns in Metropolitan France on your first order (excluding products in Archives and excluding Summer Offers).

To benefit from this, you can send us a request by email using the contact form or by email , mentioning the order number and your contact details.

Conditions and deadline for reimbursement Plus

Refund conditions

  • You have 14 days from receipt of your order to request a return.
  • For a return to be accepted, the item must be returned intact, unworn, in its original packaging, complete and in perfect condition.
  • The package includes: the shoe box, its lid, the kraft paper and the sole protector (for leather soles).

Items with damaged soles or uppers will be automatically returned to the sender.

Refund period

  • If your return is accepted, we undertake to reimburse you within 14 working days of receipt of the package.

For any other questions about deliveries and returns, you can contact us via the contact form or by email: